Tykr Edu Presents

How I get the most out of Tykr

This is a "look over my shoulder" to see how I use Tykr.
(Lifetime deal)

Your top questions may be...

• How do I find GOOD stocks?
• How do I avoid BAD stocks?
• How do I reduce risk?
• How do I use the Tykr Summary?
• How do I use the Tykr Score?
• How do I use the Tykr MOS?
• How do I use the Tykr 4M Tool?
• How do I handle dividend stocks?
• What if you don't have a lot of money to invest?
• What trends do I look for?
• What do I do if I buy a stock and it goes down right away?
• How do I manage my emotions, especially when the market is going down?

👉 If you want answers to all these questions and more, then this course is for you. 

I'm Sean Tepper.

👉 This course is a "look over my shoulder" to see exactly how I use Tykr to invest.

👉 By the end of this course, you will know exactly how I use Tykr.

This course is for you if…

🌟 You're still not sure when to buy and sell stocks.

🌟 You want absolute certainty to know you are making smart investing decisions.

🌟 You find there are a lot of investing tools in the market but with no real training on how to use them.


Disclaimer: Testimonials do not guarantee future results.

Josh D.

I’m a beginner and felt like I didn’t know enough about stocks or investing. The biggest fear with a new investor like myself is I can either do this right, or I can really mess up and lose a lot of money. After using Tykr and going through the course, I didn’t realize how easy investing really is. Certainty is the key word! Tykr gives me the certainty to invest in the stock market. This is one of the best investments I’ve ever made. - Josh D

Christian R.

I use other platforms including Seeking Alpha and Zacks but when I use Tykr, it’s super logical which helps increase my confidence. - Christian R

How is Tykr different? 🤔

👉 There are 3 key differences between Tykr and other investing tools on the market.

1) Tykr is Open Source - That's correct! We are one of the only (if not the only) investing tools on the market with open-source calculations. We even tell our customers "You can go create your own version of Tykr if you really want. However, we hope you still stay with us. " 😃 (After you join Tykr, we provide links to the calculations).

2) Sean's Portfolio - When you join Tykr, you can see Sean's portfolio and if you like, invest side-by-side with him. Not too many CEOs show what stocks they invest in.

3) Trustpilot Rating is 4.9/5.0 - Tykr has the highest Trustpilot rating in the industry. If you like, go to Trustpilot and do your own homework. At this time, we haven't found another platform with a score that high.

Proven Results

👉 I surveyed my Tykr customers and asked 3 key questions.

The numbers below are based on a scale of 1 - 10.
• 1 being the lowest confidence.
• 10 being the highest confidence.

Here are the answers to those questions...

Question 1: What is your confidence level investing in the stock market?
Before using Tykr and take this course: 3/10
After using Tykr and taking this course: 9/10

Question 2: What stocks should I buy and sell and when should I buy and sell?
Before using Tykr and taking this course: 4/10
After using Tykr and taking this course: 9/10

Question 3: Were you able to confidently buy your first (or next) stock in your first 30 days?
Percentage: 99%
In other words, 99% of my customers said "Yes, I was able to confidently buy my first stock within 30 days."

⚡️ Learning Modules ⚡️

Module 1
• How I use the Tykr Summary
• How I use the Tykr Score
• How I use the Tykr MOS

Module 2
• How I use the 4M Confidence Booster
• How I find strong stocks (that make money)
• How I avoid weak stocks (that can lose money)
• Timing (When do I buy and Sell)

Module 3
• How I make sure I don't lose money
• What do I do if I buy a stock and it goes down the next day (which happens a lot!)
• How many stocks do I own
• How do I handle weighted allocation
• How do I find new HOT STOCKS before the media does

Module 4
• How do I make between 15% and 50% per year
• How do I stockpile (Make BIG returns)

Module 5
• My top watchlist stocks
• My top filter settings
• How I set up my dashboard

Module 6
• How do I manage my emotions when the market is crashing?

Top questions from the audience..
• What should I do if I don’t have a lot of money to invest?
• What do I do if I’m retired and don’t have an income?
• What do I do with dividend stocks?
• How do I follow trends?
• Some On Sale stocks have fallen 50%, can I trust Tykr?
• What should I do with stocks I bought before using Tykr?
• Stocks vs ETFs vs Index Funds vs Mutual Funds)
• How much should I invest in my 401K?
• Should I diversify into real estate, gold, savings, etc?
• Should I use stop losses?
• Should I worry about a company going bankrupt?
• Do I use other tools like Motley Fool, Seeking Alpha, Zacks, etc?

Open Q&A
The end of the live course will be an open Q&A.

🎁 Bonuses 🎁

🎁 Lifetime Access to this Course
This course is a lifetime deal. As updates are made and new video modules are added, you automatically see the updates included in your lifetime purchase.


If you give this course everything you’ve got and still feel like something is missing, let us know how we can improve.

And if you’re still not satisfied, we offer a 15-day money-back guarantee.

🚀 Limited-Time Deal 🚀

Normal price is $1,990

The discounted price is $990

Enroll Today!

Lifetime deal


Got a question? Your answer may be found below...

Is this a one-time payment?
Yes! Once you pay, you can access this course at any time.

How much time do I need to devote to the course?
You can get through this course in 7 days or less.

What if I’m just starting out?
Perfect! This course is built for people in your exact situation. If you’re just starting out this is a great opportunity to invest using best practices with Tykr, right from the word go.

What if I’ve already been investing for a bit? Will it be too basic for me?
Not at all. While a seasoned investor will likely know some of what’s here, most people who have some experience but haven’t fully learned the process will find this course is designed to level up their investing skills by using Tykr.

I’m already a customer of Tykr, can I get a better deal?
Thanks for asking! This IS your better deal. We think this course could easily be worth thousands of dollars, but we want it to be accessible. We've done our homework on other investing courses and the prices can range between $1,500 and $5,000.

I’m just not sure I’m ready to make this investment…
When it comes down to it, the question of whether this course is worth the investment is really up to you. Of course, you can find heaps of advice online for free, but in reality, you’re probably already wasting hours searching for answers to simple questions, only to wind up feeling none the wiser. Alternatively, you can skip to the front of the line and learn everything you need in as little as a week if you want. The question you might also consider asking is can you afford to wait? The less time you invest, the less time you're using compound interest to work for you.

How do I know I can trust Sean Tepper and Tykr Edu?
Good question. If you’re asking this, you probably aren't one of Tykr’s 10,000+ customers across 50 countries. You probably haven’t been one of the 100+ customers who have given us a 4.9/5.0 on Trustpilot. You probably haven’t followed along to the 3 full seasons of podcast episodes where Sean interviews the top business professionals, or joined a free webinar where Sean pulls back the curtains and answers live questions about investing. These reasons should be enough on their own, before talking about Sean’s track record with investing which is publicly shared at Tykr.com.

It’s not a good time for me right now. Can I join later?
When you see something you know you need, it’s easy to think to yourself “I’ll put this off until a better time." The only trouble is, no such time exists, and before you know it, you’ve wasted weeks, months, or years…only to find you missed that ‘golden opportunity’ you might be looking for. Every month that goes by, you miss out on making money work for you.

Count me in! How do I pay?
Payment can be made with any major credit card or with PayPal. Click "Enroll now" somewhere on this page. You can also pay with BNPL (Buy Now, Pay Later) or payment plans.

I’m enrolled! What happens next?
As soon as you’ve enrolled, you'll gain access to the live course details (Zoom details). After the course has been uploaded, you'll see all the video modules within.

What if I find the course isn’t for me? Can I get a refund?
This course has a 15-day money-back guarantee. We’ll gladly refund your full investment. Simply email us and let us know what the course is missing. We would love for a chance to help you and make the course better, but ultimately if you want a refund, we won’t stand in your way. As we said, trust is earned, and we can’t wait to earn yours.

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Boost Your Confidence with Tykr 🚀

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