Tykr Edu Presents

Stock Investing for Beginners

By Sean Tepper

Learn how to confidently invest in the stock market.

This course is for you if…

🌟 You’re sick and tired of second-guessing yourself. Doubt creeps in no matter how hard you try to inform yourself.

🌟 You’re always finding yourself sitting on the sidelines while others are already well into their investment journey.

🌟 You’ve found yourself trapped on an emotional rollercoaster, doubting your investments and wanting to sell before you lose any more money.

🌟 You’ve convinced yourself that some people know something you don't, and you need to find out.

🌟 You’re tired of muddling through and feeling like you’re winging it. You want to feel confident and self-assured every step of the way.

Your top questions may be…

• How do I get started?

• What stocks should I look for?

• What stocks should I avoid?

• How do I reduce the risk of losing money in the stock market?

👉 If you want answers to all these questions and more, then this course is for you. 

How did I get started?

When I first started investing, these were my questions...

✖️Where do I start? In other words, what stocks should I look for and what stocks should I avoid?

✖️I felt like I was behind and I needed to make up for lost time. In other words, based on my age, I thought I should have more money saved. If you also feel this way, you are not alone.

✖️How do I reduce risk? In other words, how do I reduce my chances of losing money?

What did I already know?

• I knew that Warren Buffett and Charlie Munger were able to beat the stock market over and over.

• In fact, Warren has stated that if he were managing $1 million dollars of his own money, he could make 50% returns in the market per year (the market average is 6% to 8%).

My next question was, how?

How are Warren and Charlie, two highly successful billionaire investors, beating the market?

I know they don't gamble, use emotions, or use feelings to pick stocks.

This tells me they are using math or a checklist.

👉 The BIG question is, what is that math?

What did I do next?

❌ I read dozens of books. Most of which were filled with a lot of "fluff" that didn't generate any results. This was a time-consuming and challenging process of trial and error. (I want to make sure you avoid this painful journey).

❌ I went down the Youtube rabbit hole which also contained a lot of fluff, and not to mention, a lot of bad advice.

What was my transformational moment?

I found a guy by the name of Phil Town who wrote three books. Those books are Rule #1, Payback Time, and Invested. The key takeaway is he teaches you how to make 15% per year or more in the market.

Another key takeaway is he provided some of the math I was looking for!

I then took 70% of the math that Phil provided and put that math into an Excel sheet. This took a few weeks of work but after a little tweaking, I could see I was onto something. 👍

I finally figured out a way to know the difference between a strong stock and a weak stock.

And the best part...

I was able to do this on my own!

So let's bring us to the present...

In 2019 I started talking to other investors about this Excel Sheet and what it was able to achieve.

The common response was...

When are you going to turn this into a software platform to share with others?

And that is when I decided to turn the boring Excel Sheet into an easy-to-use Software called Tykr. (I had to go with the name "Tykr.com" because "Ticker.com" was already taken 😄).

Tykr required one year to build and went live in 2020.

By 2025, we have helped over 11,000 customers in over 50 countries and our Trustpilot score is a 4.9/50.

If you're like me and want to...

✅ Learn how to get started
✅ Learn how to invest confidently on your own
✅ Learn how to reduce the risk of losing money

Then this course is for you. 👍

Not only do I show you how to invest with Tykr, I show you how to invest without Tykr. I want to give you full transparency. In other words, a deep dive "look under the hood" so you know how to confidently invest on your own.

I think you may agree, that when it comes to managing your own money, transparency is extremely important!

I'm Sean Tepper.

Founder & CEO of Tykr

When other people talk to you about stocks...

“Hey Sean, have I got a stock pick for you! I heard stock XYZ will triple in price over the next year.”


I’m sure we all have a friend like 'Billy Bob'.

The good news is, this course will help you know if Billy Bob is giving good or bad advice. You are about to become the new expert in the room.

The step-by-step process on how you can manage your own investments with confidence.

(without losing your sanity)

Learn my time-tested processes for choosing the right stocks

Get off the emotional hamster-wheel and confidently take action
Know the real numbers to look for and which ones to ignore

Develop your own strategy that leads to your own success

Understand key terms & techniques so you know what you’re talking about

Increase your results and have the best chance at beating inflation

⚡️ Learning Modules ⚡️

Video Modules

(60+ Videos)

Available in days
days after you enroll
  Overcoming Myths
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Financial Terms and Tools
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Asset Classes
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Key Concepts
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Managing Emotions
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Step-by-Step Stock Reviews
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

🎁 Bonuses 🎁

🎁 Lifetime Access to this Course
This course is a lifetime deal. As updates are made and new video modules are added, you automatically see the updates included in your lifetime purchase.

How is Tykr different? 🤔

👉 There are 3 key differences between Tykr and other investing tools on the market.

1) Tykr is Open Source - That's correct! We are one of the only (if not the only) investing tools on the market with open-source calculations. We even tell our customers "You can go create your own version of Tykr if you really want. However, we hope you still stay with us. " 😃 (After you join Tykr, we provide links to the calculations).

2) Sean's Portfolio - When you join Tykr, you can see Sean's portfolio and if you like, invest side-by-side with him. Not too many CEOs show what stocks they invest in.

3) Trustpilot Rating is 4.7/5.0 - Tykr has the highest Trustpilot rating in the industry. If you like, go to Trustpilot and do your own homework. At this time, we haven't found another platform with a score that high.

Proven Results!

👉 I surveyed my Tykr customers and asked 3 key questions.

The numbers below are based on a scale of 1 - 10.
• 1 being the lowest confidence.
• 10 being the highest confidence.

Here are the answers to those questions...

Question 1: What is your confidence level investing in the stock market?
Before using Tykr and taking this course: 3/10
After using Tykr and taking this course: 9/10

Question 2: What stocks should I buy and sell and when should I buy and sell?
Before using Tykr and taking this course: 4/10
After using Tykr and taking this course: 9/10

Question 3: Were you able to confidently buy your first (or next) stock in your first 30 days?
Percentage: 99%
In other words, 99% of my customers said "Yes, I was able to confidently buy my first stock within 30 days."


Disclaimer: Testimonials do not guarantee future results.

Elaine (New investor)

"For me, it was like whoa, Eureka!" - Elaine

Isaac (New investor)

"When you can go through each individual video by financials, strategy, or emotions, it really simplifies the process."

More Testimonials

👉 I learned more in 25 days than I have in 25 years. Tykr has helped me in several ways...
1) Helped take away the fear of investing myself.
2) Provided a step-by-step guide on how to do it.
3) Taught me the basics of value investing.
- Tim M.

👉 I'm fairly new at doing my own investing, but Tykr provides such a thorough platform to help make it easier. The bottom line: No matter how much time you have to research, even only a little, you can figure it out with Tykr. - Kelly L.

👉 The videos are short and sweet which provides a cohesive path to get up-to-speed quickly. My big "aha" moment was when Sean simplified the financial statements. Now I know exactly what to look for to be a better investor. - Greg V.

👉 It is clear the founder's heart is in the right place. The product is worth the price of admission. Most importantly, IT’S EASY TO UNDERSTAND. For the first time, I feel like I can invest with the principles of Warren Buffet and Ray Dalio. - Rife D.

👉 Sean is fast in response and obviously cares about his product. If you are a beginner investor or an experienced investor, you will love this! – Hain D.

👉 Confidence comes when you know what you're doing. When it comes to investing, Tykr has made me a much more confident investor. Now I'm able to work smarter, not harder, to achieve my investing goals. - Clark M.

👉 This course is a breath of fresh air. Instead of unrealistic promises of making $1M in just three weeks, it honestly offers a sensible strategy for investing over the long term. This course isn't aimed at those looking to make quick trades every day; it's designed for investors who prefer to choose stocks from a carefully selected list. This is a logical, straightforward, and highly effective approach to investing. I highly recommend it! - Vijay G.

👉 This service is straightforward, and very easy to understand. This will play a major role in me being a more successful investor. I am grateful for this service. – Bob S.

👉 I have been an investor for a long time now. I have an MBA and have done my best to apply the principles I learned during grad school towards my investing as well. Nothing has topped Tykr. My performance has improved significantly. – JLT

👉 You won’t feel that you’re on your own. Investing for the first time isn’t as daunting to complete beginners. – Hannah D.

👉 Most of us individual investors need help as we don't have access to all the information. Tykr helps narrow that gap. - Karl Z.


If you give this course everything you’ve got and still feel like something is missing, let us know how we can improve.

And if you’re still not satisfied, we offer a 15-day money-back guarantee.

🚀 Lifetime Deal! 🚀

The normal price is $1,990

The discounted price is $990

Enroll Today!

Lifetime Deal

Pricing will go up over time as this curriculum grows. Enrolling today guarantees you lifetime access to this program at today's price.


Got a question?

How is the course delivered?
This course comprises 10 video-based modules with 60+ videos.

I've looked at other courses on other platforms and they have 100s of videos. Why only 60+?
Trust me on this, MORE DOES NOT = MORE. I've taken a lot of other courses, to see what they are teaching, and they are packed with fluff that won't generate any significant returns in the market.
Overall, I don't want to waste your time. These videos are direct and to the point so you can quickly get up to speed and manage your investments with confidence.

Is this a one-time payment?
Yes! Once you pay, you can access this course at any time.

How much time do I need to devote to the course?
You can get through this course in 7 days or less.

What if I’m just starting out?
Perfect! This course is built for people in your exact situation. If you’re just starting out this is a great opportunity to invest using best practices with Tykr, right from the word go.

What if I’ve already been investing for a bit? Will it be too basic for me?
Not at all. While a seasoned investor will likely know some of what’s here, most people who have some experience but haven’t fully learned the process will find this course is designed to level up their investing skills by using Tykr.

I’m already a customer of Tykr, can I get a better deal?
Thanks for asking! This IS your better deal. We think this course could easily be worth thousands of dollars, but we want it to be accessible. We've done our homework on other investing courses and the prices can range between $1,500 and $5,000.

I’m just not sure I’m ready to make this investment…
When it comes down to it, the question of whether this course is worth the investment is really up to you. Of course, you can find heaps of advice online for free, but in reality, you’re probably already wasting hours searching for answers to simple questions, only to wind up feeling none the wiser. Alternatively, you can skip to the front of the line and learn everything you need in as little as a week if you want. The question you might also consider asking is can you afford to wait? The less time you invest, the less time you're using compound interest to work for you.

How do I know I can trust Sean Tepper and Tykr Edu?
Good question. In this case, we recommend visiting the Tykr Trustpilot page where we have one of the highest reviews in the investing industry.

It’s not a good time for me right now. Can I join later?
When you see something you know you need, it’s easy to think to yourself “I’ll put this off until a better time." The only trouble is, no such time exists, and before you know it, you’ve wasted weeks, months, or years…only to find you missed that ‘golden opportunity’ you might be looking for. Every month that goes by, you miss out on making money work for you.

Count me in! How do I pay?
Payment can be made with any major credit card or with PayPal. Click "Enroll now" somewhere on this page. You can also pay with BNPL (Buy Now, Pay Later) or payment plans.

I’m enrolled! What happens next?
As soon as you’ve enrolled, you’ll receive an email from us with all the information you need to access the course. All of the bonuses are included as lessons inside the course so you can easily find everything you have paid for.

What if I find the course isn’t for me? Can I get a refund?
This course has a 15-day money-back guarantee. We’ll gladly refund your full investment. Simply email us and let us know what the course is missing. We would love for a chance to help you and make the course better, but ultimately if you want a refund, we won’t stand in your way. As we said, trust is earned, and we can’t wait to earn yours.

🚀 Enroll Now and

Start Investing With Confidence 🚀

Enroll Today!

Lifetime Deal

Pricing will go up over time as this curriculum grows. Enrolling today guarantees you lifetime access to this program at today's price.

Don't Miss Out. Moments Like These Don't Come Around Often...